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SCYROX V8 Review

SCYROX V8 Review | TechPowerUp

SCYROX V8 Review 7

Packaging, Weight, Cable & Feet »



SCYROX is a peripherals company based in China. A new name in the industry, SCYROX aims to provide high-quality peripherals at affordable prices. The V8, which is their first release, certainly fits that criteria: PixArt’s latest PAW3950 sensor capable of 30,000 CPI sees use, along with Omron D2FP-FN2 optical switches for the main buttons. At 40 g, the V8 is also exceptionally light, even though the shell is completely solid. The V8 already comes with a USB high-speed wireless dongle by default, allowing polling rates of up to 8000 Hz in wireless operation. The feet are made of pure PTFE, and one can choose between installing a set of smaller or larger feet, both of which are included with the mouse. Configuration is done conveniently through a web driver. The SCYROX V8 is available in yellow, black, or white.


Size:118 mm x 63 mm x 38 mm
Size (inches):4.65″ x 2.48″ x 1.50″
Ambidextrous:Partially (side buttons on left side only)
Weight:40 g
Number of Buttons:5+1 (including wheel click)
Main Switches:Omron D2FP-FN2 (China)
Wheel Encoder:SCYROX (F-Switch, yellow/pink core, 9 mm)
Sensor:PixArt PAW3950
Resolution:50–30,000 CPI
Microcontroller Unit:Nordic nRF52840
Polling Rate:125/250/500/1000 Hz (wired)
125/250/500/1000/2000/4000/8000 Hz (wireless)
Cable:1.80 m, braided
Warranty:One year

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