In addition to the swathe of new games embracing multiple simultaneous platform launches, Jez Cordon, executive editor at Windows Central and well-regarded source for gaming rumors, recently also sparked rumors with a post on X suggesting that no future games developed by Microsoft or its subsidiary studios will be permanent console exclusives. In a reply to a comment criticizing Microsoft for seemingly keeping some games on Xbox and others not, Cordon said “They don’t. They’re all coming to PlayStation over time.”
Cordon also goes on later in the discussion to suggest that the only reason Microsoft hasn’t forced its smaller subsidiary studios to pivot to the day-one cross-platform launch strategy is because of development load and those studios not being well-equipped to deal with a simultaneous launch. This is something that Square Enix veteran, Naoki Yoshida, also alluded to when he was talking about Square Enix’s shift to the simultaneous launch strategy.