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Wednesday, December 4th 2024
To be fair, the touch bar was never a bad idea. It was entirely Apple’s implementation and lack of usability updates that made it a chore to use. However, there remain people who miss its presence, as it was somewhat useful when scrubbing through videos or throwing in emojis every now and then. For such people, ENIAC technology has started a kickstarter campaign that promises to bring back the utility – and woes – of the infamous touch bar.
Dubbed the Flexibar, the company describes the product as a “versatile” and “customizable” solution that mimics Apple’s touch bar functionality. The device sports an AMOLED screen with a resolution of 2,170 x 60 pixels, and is 10-inches wide. Shockingly however, the FlexibarDesigner tool that allows customization of the product is currently only available for Windows, although a macOS version is in progress. The build quality appears to be decent, placed within an aluminium housing with a built-in motor that provides haptic feedback.
For those who are interested in the device and are willing to back the project, ENIAC promises shipments sometime in the second quarter of 2025, at a price of $119. Although the project has already raised well over $75,000, potential customers are always advised to cognizant of the fact that the promised shipment dates are always to be taken with a grain of salt.
Source: Kickstarter